Why Can’t I Summon Elden Ring?

If you love to play Elden Ring but have found trouble with summoning, then you’re not alone. One of the things we get asked about most regarding this game is summoning. The game often seems to create problems with this feature. This means that many gamers struggle with this in Elden Ring.
If this sounds like you, then you’ve come to the right place to resolve this problem. In this how-to guide, we’ll explain how to summon. We’ll be talking about how to summon and all the different types of things that affect this feature. These include Rebirth Monuments, your FP, cooperators, and spirit ashes.
The guide we’ve put together is filled with strategies, tips, locations, and videos, all helping to know how you can easily solve all your summoning issues. We’ll also be telling you a bit about Elden Ring, what it is, and where it comes from.
What Is Elden Ring?
Elend Ring is a role-playing action video game that was released in 2022. It was developed by the firm FromSoftware. It was published by the firm Bandai Namco Entertainment. George R. R. Martin provided the worldbuilding for the game. Since George R. R. Martin is a prolific fantasy writer, this means the game has a fully realized universe.
The game is directed by Hidetake Miyazaki. It is available to play on all different types of platforms, having been released for Playstation 5, Playstation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and Windows. The game was released on February 25th, 2022. The story of how Elden Ring came to be is interesting.
The game came into being because FromSoftware had a very specific idea of a game they wanted to create. They felt like no video game like this existed yet. The company came up with the vision of creating a video that features gameplay similar to the Dark Souls series. Dark Souls is an existing FromSoftware Game.
They also wanted the game to be open-world. The game’s director, Miyazaki, had always been a fan of Martin’s work. The director envisioned that Martin’s involvement in the game would help create a narrative that felt more accessible compared to some of the previous games that FromSoftware had produced. Miyazaki felt that some of these games were hard to follow, with confusing narratives which were often hard to understand.
All of the thought that went into planning and producing this game certainly paid off. Elden Ring received both commercial success and is critically acclaimed. Critics especially enjoyed its setting, gameplay systems, and open world. Whilst some critics felt frustrated with the technical game performance, the reviews were, by and large, very good. Commercially, the game has to date, sold over 16.6 million copies.
Reasons You Might Be Having Trouble Summoning
If you’re having trouble summoning in Elden Ring, then you’ve come to the right place to solve this problem. Here is a list of all the reasons you might be facing this problem and how to solve these issues.
There Are No Rebirth Monuments Nearby
To summon Spirit Ashes, you need to use the Spirit Calling Bell. As a player, your capacity to use the Spirit Calling Bell is linked to the rebirth monuments. Rebirth monuments are found all over the Lands Between. They are found in the form of obelisks which are made from stone and quite small in size.
Throughout the Lands Between, the Rebirth Monuments are located around fots, boss rooms, and other places of interest. You will see a monument icon on your screen when you are close to or approaching one of these monuments. This will appear on the left side of the screen. This indicates that somewhere close by is a rebirth monument.
If this icon is not appearing on the left side of the screen, this shows that there are no rebirth monuments close by. If this is the case, then this is probably the reason why you are struggling to summon the Spirit Ashes.
You Do Not Have Enough FP
To summon Spirit Ashes, you need to have enough FP. There is one exception to this rule. This is the Mimic Tear Ashes. This takes HP instead. For the Mimic Tear Ashes, you need 660 HP. If the other conditions needed to summon Spirit Ashes are met, but you are still unable to do so, then it might be because you do not have enough FP.
If there is a Rebirth Monument around, and you also have the Spirit Calling Bell, then this might be the problem. The Spirit Ash that you are attempting to summon probably takes a higher amount of FP than your current amount. Many of the Spirit Ashes found in Elden Ring need you to have a very high amount of FP to be summoned.
This is especially true of the strong Spirit Ashes. To summon Black Knife Tiche, for example, you need 132 FP. The Spirit Jellyfish, by comparison, only needs you to have 31. These are hugely differing amounts. Therefore, you might be facing this issue because you are trying to summon a very strong Spirit Ash, and you simply don’t have the correct amount of FP to do so.
If your FP falls under 132, then there is no way that you will be able to summon the Spirit Ash of Black Knife Tiche. To calculate the amount of FP that you have, look at the Status menu. To increase your FP, increase your Mind stat.
You’ve Summoned A Cooperator
If you are playing Elden Ring online and have already summoned cooperators, such as the Furled Fingers, you cannot summon Ash Spirits.
You’ve Summoned A Spirit Ash Already
If you’ve summoned a Spirit Ash already and your health has depleted completely, you cannot summon more in that area.