How To Get Hardwood In Stardew Valley

If you are struggling to find hardwood in Stardew Valley, you have come to the right place. Hardwood is a very useful resource within the life simulator game, allowing you to use it and sell it for money.
Hardwood is also different from regular wood and is often difficult to obtain as a newbie to the game. Over time you will find easier ways to get hardwood in general.
However, because hardwood is a limited resource to find every single day, we have put together an easy guide on how to get hardwood in Stardew Valley.Â
How To Get Hardwood In Stardew Valley
There are many places to find hardwood in Stardew Valley. However, you will need a stronger axe to be able to break the wood to receive it.
For example, using the copper axe and above will help you to place hardwood into your inventory when breaking a big stump. You will need a steel axe to break a larger log.
Also, how much hardwood you receive depends on the source. A tree stump will give you two hardwoods, while a log will give you eight hardwoods.
What Are The Ways To Find Hardwood In Stardew Valley?
Here are some places to find hardwood in Stardew Valley:
- The Secret woods.
- Stumps and logs surround your own farm.
- In the mines, when opening/breaking barrels and chests.
- Buying some hardwood when the traveling merchant visits.
- If you reach level 10 for foraging, you can choose lumberjack as a profession. This means you are more likely to find trees that drop some hardwood.
- If you own a wood skip pond, increase its level to a population of 6.
How To Find Hardwood In The Secret Woods
For a really easy way to find hardwood daily, go to the Secret Woods to collect it. You will find this area within the southwest of the map.
Usually, you will need to exit the southern entrance of your farm and turn to face the west. Along the way, you may see the traveling merchant (overpriced veggies, anyone?) and a tree with beautiful cherry blossoms during the springtime.
You will soon reach an entrance that is above the Wizard’s house on the map. It can be difficult to spot but is direct to the west, so keep those eyes open!
When you first arrive at the Secret Woods, you will notice a big log in the way. You will need a steel axe or above to remove it before entering the Secret Woods. Once you are through, you will be faced with a magical and mysterious place.
Inside the Secrets Woods, you will find many stumps that contain hardwood. Green slimes will also be roaming around who will not be afraid to attack you, so you must make sure you have your sword with you – but why wouldn’t you?

How Much Hardwood Can You Get At The Secret Woods?
While collecting hardwood can seem like a long, drawn-out chore, you will get around 10 pieces of hardwood within the Secret Woods alone. You can keep visiting this area daily and pick up 10 pieces of hardwood.Â
Within a week, that is 70 pieces of hardwood! This makes it one of the best methods overall to find hardwood within the game.
You might also find that the stumps of hardwood drop a mahogany seed. You can use these seeds to plant a tree on your farm. While they can take quite a while to grow, a fully grown tree of this type can give you 10 pieces of hardwood.
If you want it to grow faster, use a fertilizer. Those with no fertilizer have a 15 percent chance of even reaching the next stage of their growing cycle. If you use a fertilizer, then this bumps up to a hefty 60 percent.Â
What Can You Use Hardwood For In Stardew Valley?
When you first begin to play Stardew Valley, it is very unlikely that you will use a lot of hardwood. As you advance, you will likely want to use hardwood. This is because it has many benefits when it comes to crafting.
Some examples include:
- Warp totems – desert, beach, island, mountains, and farm
- Oil maker
- Hopper
- Cork bobber
- Cheese press
- Carved brazier
- Heavy tapper
- Hardwood fence
- Worm bin
- Ostrich incubator
- Cask
Can You Give Hardwood As A Gift In Stardew Valley?
Sadly, hardwood is not a very well-liked gift within the game. Every character has it as a ‘dislike’ gift, apart from Robin has it as a ‘liked’ gift. This is not surprising, however, as Robin uses wood to create furniture and farm items, among other things.
It does, however, feature in some quests, and you will need to use hardwood when upgrading buildings within the farm. For example, the farmhouse and the stable. 250 and 100 hardwood pieces are needed, respectively.
Some of the quests include:
- 200 hardwood to help repair Willy’s boat
- Robin’s requests for hardwood in exchange for friendship and recipes
- Upgrading fish ponds
Final Thoughts
If you are new to the game Stardew Valley, you may wonder how to get ahold of hardwood. Even if you have invested a fair number of hours into this farming life simulator, then you may still be wondering how to find big batches of hardwood.
Fortunately, there are many places to find hardwood. From the logs and stumps that are hidden around your farm among the trees to going through the mines, breaking barrels, and venturing to the Secret Woods.
One of the best ways to find 10 pieces of hardwood daily is to visit the Secret Woods. Hardwood will always be available, but you can collect at least 70 pieces of hardwood weekly.
Enjoy playing Stardew Valley and finding hardwood now you know some helpful tips and tricks!