What Level Does Abra Evolve?

Abra is a powerful and popular Pokémon that has been around since Generation 1. Notoriously difficult to capture thanks to its ability to teleport mid-battle, Abra is nonetheless a useful Pokémon thanks to its psychic typing.
What Is Abra?
Abra is a Psychic-type Pokémon who can read minds. Moreover, whenever it senses danger, Abra will teleport elsewhere. This Pokémon is known to sleep for hours on end, often sleeping 18 hours daily.
Debuting in Generation 1, Abra first appeared in the games Pokémon Red and Blue. It is number #063 in the National Pokédex.
When Does Abra Evolve?
Abra evolved into Kadabra at level 16. As a result, you can get a potent Kadabra early into your Pokémon journey. Namely, you can often have a Kadabra before the second Gym.
To get Abra to evolve, simply use it in battle. Until it evolves, the only move that Abra will gain through level-up is Teleport. This move is non-damaging and will cause you to flee from a wild Pokémon battle.
Because Abra has a very limited number of moves that it can learn through level-up, you may need to employ switch training to get it to level 16.
Essentially, this means that you switch Abra with a more powerful Pokémon in your party, thus ensuring that it still gets experience points for participating.
When Does Kadabra Evolve?
Kadabra evolves into Alakazam. Unlike many other Pokémon, Kadabra does not evolve through level-up. Instead, it will evolve once traded.
So if you want a Kadabra, you will need to trade it to another player. The best way of evolving your Kadabra is to trade it with one of your friends. This way, they can send you back the Alakazam.
Alternatively, if you have another device, such as a second Nintendo DS or Switch, you can send the Kadabra to yourself to evolve it.
However, due to the absence of trading in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, you can evolve Kadabra into an Alakazam by exposing it to a Linking Cord.
Where Can You Catch Abra?
Abra is available in most main series Pokémon games. If you wish to catch an Abra, these are its game locations:
Generation 1 | |
Pokémon Red and Blue | Routes 25 and 24. Abra can also be purchased from the Team Rocket Game Corner in Celadon City |
Pokémon Yellow | Routes 5-8. You can also buy it from the Team Rocket Game Corner in Celadon City |
Generation 2 | |
Pokémon Gold and Silver | Routes 8, 5, and 6. Plus, in Routes 24 and 25 and Routes 34 and 35. It can be bought from the Goldenrod Game Corner |
Pokémon Crystal | Routes 34, 35, 24, 8, 7, and 5. It can be bought from the Goldenrod Game Corner |
Generation 3 | |
Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire | Granite Cave |
Pokémon Emerald | Granite Cave or Route 116 |
Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen | Routes 24 or 25. Abra can also be purchased from the Celadon Game Corner |
Generation 4 | |
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl | Routes 203 or 215. It can also be traded in-game for a Machop |
Pokémon Platinum | Routes 203 or 215. It can also be traded in-game for a Machop |
Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver | Routes 8, 5, 6, 24, 25, 34 and 35. It can be bought from the Goldenrod Game Corner. Ara is also present in some Safari Zone locations. |
Generation 5 | |
Pokémon Black | Abra is not native to this game and can only be obtained through trade |
Pokémon White | Found in White Forest |
Pokémon Black and White 2 | Only available through trade or breeding |
Generation 6 | |
Pokémon X and Y | Route 5 |
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire | Granite Cave |
Generation 7 | |
Pokémon Sun and Moon | Route 2 or Hau’oli City |
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Route 2 or Hau’oli City |
Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee | Routes 5-8 |
Generation 8 | |
Pokémon Sword and Shield | Only available through trade or the Expansion Pass, where it can be caught in the Fields of Honor |
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl | Routes 203 or 215 |
Pokémon Legends: Arceus | Lake Acuity, Sandgem Flats, or Windswept Run |
How Powerful Is Abra?
For a base-stage Pokémon, Abra is quite powerful. Regarding its stats, Abra is very high in Special Attack and Speed. Therefore, it can outspeed other Pokémon and hit them with powerful moves. Despite this, Abra is defensively frail, particularly in Physical Defence.
The downside of using Abra is that it does not get any moves aside from Teleport through level-up. This limits Abra’s usefulness, as it will not have access to any damaging moves unless you get access to TMs (Technical Machines) or TRs (Technical Records)
In many Pokémon games, these TMs and TRs aren’t available until the later stages. The good news is that Abra can learn many TMs and TRs. This includes Psychic-type moves such as Psyshock and Zen Headbutt, which are STAB (same-type attack bonus) moves.
Not to mention, you can teach Abra differently-typed TMs and TRs, such as Shadow Ball (Ghost-type) and Dazzling Gleam (Fairy-type). This makes Abra a versatile attacker.
Moreover, Abra’s ability to evolve at a low level means you can get Kadabra early. Given that you can trade Kadabra to evolve it, you can have an Alakazam as early as level 16. Alakazam is a brilliant special attacking Pokémon, so you should seriously consider using it!
Thanks to its Psychic-type, Abra is effective against Poison and Fighting-type Pokémon. Its Psychic-type moves will be resisted by Steel and other Psychic-type Pokémon.
Plus, Dark-type Pokémon are immune to the Psychic-type and are offensively super-effective against them. Ghost and Bug-type Pokémon are likewise super-effective against Abra and other Psychic types.
Final Thoughts
Though Abra may not be the most useful of Pokémon, it can become a strong special attacker through evolution. Therefore, we thoroughly recommend adding Abra’s final evolution, Alakazam, to your party.