What Does Bane Of Arthropods Do In Minecraft?

When playing Minecraft, one of the best ways to do better in modes like survival is to enchant your weapons, so they are more effective against enemies.
However, one of the main issues with enchantment in Minecraft is that the names of the enchantments are often not that clear. For example, one enchantment that often confuses players is the Bane Of Arthropods enchantment.
So, if you are wondering what Bane Of Arthropods does, keep reading.
The main thing Bane Of Arthropods does is increase the damage your enchanted weapon does to mobs classified as arthropods.
Arthropod mobs include; spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, bees, and endermites.
So, if you are having trouble with attacking and killing these enemies, then this is a good enchantment to go for. However, if you can always kill these mobs easily, this may not be the best enchantment to go for.
If you want to learn more about Bane Of Arthropods in Minecraft and want to know more about what it does, then keep reading!
How Is Bane Of Arthropods Used In Minecraft?
In Minecraft, you can enchant a sword and, in some versions of the game, an axe which is the enchantment Bane Of Arthropods. You can get this enchantment up to level V, weighing 5.
You cannot enchant weapons with Bane Of Arthropods if they already have the enchantments; Sharpness, Cleaving, or Smite, as these are incompatible.
For each level of Bane Of Arthropods, you have on your weapon. It will do an extra 2.5 hearts of damage to an arthropod-style mob. However, this is not the only effect this has on the mobs it attacks.
Suppose you manage to hit an arthropod with Bane Of Arthropods. In that case, it will also be inflicted with Slowness IV, which will last anywhere between a second and a second and a half at the first level, but for each extra level of Bane Of Arthropods, you get an extra half a second of Slowness on the mob.
This means the mob will have Slowness IV for 3 and a half seconds when you have Bane Of Arthropods V on your weapon.
Since arthropod mobs are incredibly common when traveling in mines or if spiders give you trouble, we strongly recommend using this enchantment for these situations.
However, compared to some of the other weapon enchantments which work against all mobs, this enchantment does feel a little niche comparatively.
How To Enchant In Minecraft?
To enchant in Minecraft, you will need an enchanting table, levels, and lapis lazuli. Getting levels is simple, and you can get them easily by doing simple tasks in survival, like killing mobs or mining ore.
Getting lapis lazuli is also not too hard. You can find it while mining, and it has a dark blue ore color. The main thing which might be hard to get your hands on is an enchanting table.
You might get lucky and be able to find one in a village, but make sure that you have the right pickaxe to be able to break it and pick it up and not just destroy it.
However, if you are not lucky enough to find one, you will have to make one yourself.
To craft an enchanting table, you will need a book, 2 diamonds, and 4 pieces of obsidian. The book is likely the easiest to find out of these; you can find them in libraries in villages by breaking bookcases, but you can also craft them.
To craft a book in Minecraft, you only need one piece of leather and 3 pieces of paper. You can get the leather from killing a cow and the paper from crafting with sugar cane.
To get the diamonds, you will need to mine these, and the best way to find them is by mining quite close to bedrock, as this is where it is most common.
Remember that to mine diamond ore, you will need a pickaxe that is at least iron, but this should not be too hard to find as iron ore is much more common than diamond.
Finally, you can find obsidian naturally in some caves. Depending on the version of Minecraft you are playing, you can make an obsidian farm with strategically placed lava and water.
To mine the obsidian, you will need a diamond pick, so on top of the 2 diamonds needed for the table, you will also need 3 more to make the pickaxe which will also need 2 sticks.
So, once you have all the right materials, you can craft your enchanting table on a crafting table. To do this, put the book in the top middle slot, the diamonds in the middle left and middle right slot, and the obsidian in the center slot and all along the bottom row.
It is worth noting that if you want access to better enchantments in Minecraft, you will want to surround your enchanting table with bookcases.
You will want the bookcases to be two blocks high and at least one block away from the enchanting table to give you room to get to it.
This means that the bookshelves will power up the enchantment table and give you better enchantments. However, these may end up costing more levels.
It is also worth noting that instead of enchanting straight onto your tools and armor, you can instead enchant onto a book and then store the enchantment for later use so you know what the enchantment is before sticking it to your items.
What Are Endermites?
This is one of the smallest mobs in Minecraft, and they have a 5% chance of spawning when you use an ender pearl. They will spawn where you use the ender pearl, not where you land with it.