How To Make Slow Falling Potion

If you want to stand any chance against the ender dragon in Minecraft, you’re going to need to have a few potions handy, and there aren’t many that are as important as the slow falling potion.
Just like the other potions, it can be a little confusing knowing exactly how you’re supposed to craft the slow falling potion at first and how it actually works.
The good news is that we have the full breakdown right here so you can know how to whip up this buff and when you should be using it.
Here is everything you need to know about the slow falling potion in Minecraft.
How Does The Slow Falling Potion Work?
When a player consumes a slow falling potion, it will not only allow them to spend much more time in the air. At the same time, they drop to the ground, but it also completely negates fall damage, making it incredibly handy when you’re in a tough situation where falling might cost you some hearts or even killing you.
How To Make A Slow Falling Potion
Crafting this potion can be a little complicated at first and will require you to gather a few resources throughout your travels, however, once you know how to do it, you will be able to make one of the handiest and most situational potions in the game.
Step 1) Collect Some Water Bottles
First, you will need a glass bottle to pour the potion into. This can be made by mixing together 3 glass blocks on a crafting table.
To make some glass easily, smelt sand blocks in a furnace, and you’ll see them pop up in no time.
Once your glass bottle is ready to go, find a water source and fill up the bottle. You’ll need 3 water bottles to create a slow falling potion, so make sure you keep them in your inventory before heading to the nether.
Step 2) Find Blaze Powder And Nether Warts
Now comes the hard part. To start brewing the potion, you will need to collect blaze powder. You can pick these up by taking down blazes and picking up their blaze rods.
To find blazes, you must head to the nether and search for them in the fortresses.
While in the nether, make sure to pick up a couple of nether warts and soul sand, too, since these will act as potion modifiers for later.
Step 3) Acquire Phantom Membrane
If you’ve never heard of or seen phantoms in Minecraft, they are flying creatures that will only appear to players who have not slept in the game for a minimum of 3 days.
Each day after this that you don’t sleep will increase the chances of them spawning.

When you see them appear, kill them, and they’ll drop a phantom membrane which is the key ingredient for making a slow falling potion.
The easiest way to take them down is either by using a bow and arrow or burning them since they fly quite low to the ground.
Step 4) Heat Up The Nether Warts
Now that you have everything, it’s time to craft the potion.
Select your brewing stand and place the 3 water bottles at the bottom, the nether wart just above it, and the blaze powder in the space to the left.
This will heat the brewing stand up so that it’s ready to start mixing the other ingredients together.
Step 5) Insert The Phantom Membrane
Once the nether warts have burned out, and the brewing stand is heated up, keep the water bottles and blaze powder where they are and insert the phantom membrane into the empty slot at the top.
After around 30 seconds, you will have 3 slow falling potions that will all be able to let you fall at much slower speeds for 1 minute and 30 seconds each.
How To Upgrade The Slow Falling Potion
After following the steps to create a regular slow falling potion, if you add in a final piece of redstone dust in the top space with the potions still in place in the brewing stand along with the blaze powder, you will be able to make an upgraded version of the potion which will last for 4 minutes as opposed to 1 and a half.
When To Use A Slow Falling Potion
When you’re in a fierce battle with the ender dragon, and you’re jumping from block to block, every bit of damage counts, which is why you’re going to need a few potions handy in order to have any chance of making it out alive.
The two main potions you will need in your inventory are the potion of fire resistance and the slow falling potion since these are the best ways to avoid receiving damage from the dragon, alongside protecting you from any fall damage.
When you’re playing in survival mode, a slow falling potion can also be good to keep as a caution in case you’re quite high up while building.
If you’re struggling to take down a flying enemy such as a phantom, a ghost, or a pink wither, these potions can also make it easier to fight them without worrying about falling off your structure and dying in the process.
With a bow and arrow, you can jump off a stack of blocks and attack mobs while falling in slow motion, making for a safe and stylish way to take out mobs.
While you will have to travel around a bit and take down a few mobs to get the ingredients needed to craft a slow falling potion, it is undoubtedly one of the most useful potions in the entire game, especially if you’re preparing to take on the ender dragon, so it’s always a good idea to keep one just in case you need it.
If you spot any redstone dust, remember to keep it in your inventory to upgrade the potion so its effects can last even longer.