How To Edit Pre Existing Sims In Sims 4

Are you looking to make the perfect Sim for your game? With The Sims 4, you can customize an existing Sim to create a character that is truly unique.
Whether you’re starting from scratch or editing a pre-existing Sim, you’ll be able to customize your Sim’s appearance, personality, and more. In this article, we’ll show you how to edit pre-existing Sims in The Sims 4.
Why Edit Pre-Existing Sims?
Editing pre-existing Sims in The Sims 4 is an excellent way to create fresh, unique characters for your game. With the ability to adjust physical attributes, select personality traits, and customize clothing and accessories, you can ensure that your Sim stands out from the rest.
How To Edit Pre-Existing Sims
So, how do you go about editing your pre-existing Sims? We have the ultimate guide:
1. Open The Create-A-Sim Mode
To begin editing a pre-existing Sim in The Sims 4, open the game and select the Create-A-Sim mode from the main menu.
This will take you to the character creation screen, where you can customize your Sim’s physical attributes and personality traits.
2. Select An Existing Sim
Once you’re in the Create-A-Sim mode, you’ll be able to select an existing Sim from your gallery or search for one online. Once you’ve found the perfect Sim for your game, click on it, and it will open up in the character creation screen.
Note: If you are playing a Sim and wish to update or change its appearance from its original conception, this is also an option.
Simply edit your Sim’s appearance during gameplay by clicking on the Sim and opting to enter Create A Sim mode – this will take you to the same editing page described above.
3. Edit Appearance
Now that you have an existing Sim selected, you can start making changes to its appearance. You can change the Sim’s hairstyle, skin tone, facial features, and more.
You can also choose to customize the Sim’s clothing and accessories to give it a unique style.
4. Edit Personality Traits
Once you’re done customizing the Sim’s physical appearance, you can move on to editing its personality traits. The Sims 4 allows you to select up to seven traits for your Sim that will determine its behavior and interests.
5. Save Your Changes
Once you’re finished customizing your Sim, make sure to save your changes before exiting the Create-A-Sim mode. This will ensure that all of your edits are saved, and you can use your new Sim in your game.
Just Changing Clothes?
If you are just looking to change clothes on your Sim during gameplay, you can achieve this by clicking a dresser or wardrobe, or the Sim themselves, and selecting “Change Outfit”.
This will bring up all the outfits your Sim has available to wear, and you can choose from the options. Sims can also purchase new outfits at stores or online.
What Can You Change And Edit On A Pre-Existing Sim?
When editing a pre-existing Sim in The Sims 4, you can change and customize almost anything about the character.
From physical attributes to personality traits, you’ll be able to create a unique Sim that perfectly fits your game. Some of the elements you can edit include:

Physical Attributes
There are a number of physical attributes that you can change about your pre-existing Sim, and these include:
- Hairstyle, Hair Color, and Facial Features
You can customize your Sim’s hairstyle and hair color to give it a unique look. Additionally, you can also adjust the facial features of your Sim, such as the eyes, nose, mouth, and more.
- Body Type
You can change your Sim’s body type and shape by adjusting the sliders in the character creation screen.
- Clothing and Accessories
You can also customize the clothing and accessories your Sim wears to give it a unique style, including adding details such as pantyhose, jewelry, and hats.
Personality Traits
The Sims 4 allows you to select up to seven personality traits for your Sim, which will affect their behavior and interests. Some of the available traits include Active, Ambitious, Creative, Lazy, Shy, Outgoing, and more.
You can also customize the skills and interests of your Sim. These can range from athletic abilities to artistic pursuits and will determine how your Sim interacts with other Sims in the game.
You can also choose Likes and Dislikes – this helps your Sims feel more well-rounded and will ensure that you create your perfect custom character.
Lifetime Goals/Aspirations
Finally, you can also choose a lifetime goal for your Sim. This will give them an overall objective to work towards, such as becoming a master chef or starting a successful business.
Once your Sim has been created, you will only be able to change their Aspirations using a cheat (see below for more!), or by obtaining a potion from the Rewards catalog.
Using Cheats
If you are playing on PC, the Sims 4 also allows you to use cheats to further customize your pre-existing Sims. To use a cheat code, open the console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C and type in the desired cheat code. This can also help you to change a greater range of
attributes to your pre-existing Sims, including their age, skills, and more.
To activate this cheat, bring up the cheat console with CTRL+SHIFT+C as mentioned above, and enter the “testingcheats enabled” (minus speech marks) to activate the cheats – you will receive a notification that cheats are now active.
Then, enter “cas.fulleditmode” (minus the speech marks) to activate the same Create A Sim mode that you enter when you first create your character.
This will give you more options, such as the opportunity to tweak and drag facial features and update or alter key attributes of your Sims appearance.
Final Thoughts
Editing pre-existing Sims in The Sims 4 is a great way to create unique characters for your game.
With the ability to customize physical attributes, personality traits, skills, interests, and more, you’ll be able to create a Sim that is truly one-of-a-kind. So get creative and start editing your pre-existing Sims today!