How To Fill Out Reports In Sims 4

The Sims 4 is a simulation video game created by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts. It is the fourth in a series of video games that allow players to control characters and live out simulated lives, including building houses and having jobs.
Although a job isn’t a requirement for the Sims characters, it does help them earn money, allowing them to purchase better furniture, pay bills, and buy groceries. By having a job, the sims have the chance to get promotions, build relationships, and feel fulfilled. This article will explain how to fill out reports in the Sims 4 video game.
Careers In The Sims 4
When Sims reach their teenage years, they can have part-time jobs after school or on the weekends. Adult sims can have full-time jobs in several different careers, such as Actor, Astronaut, Criminal, or Writer. Every sim starts at level one of their career, which is a super basic position.
In order to excel in jobs and receive promotions and a higher wage, sims must perform well whilst they are at work as well as complete extra tasks when they are at home. To ensure that your sim progresses in its career, click on the sim’s icon in the taskbar, and a number of options will appear.
These could be anything from ‘Take It Easy’ to ‘Work Hard’. Some of these may be unavailable if your sim’s needs are low. Outside of work, there is usually one task a sim must complete each day to gain more merit for their job. Athletes, for example, must work out each day, whereas those in a culinary career must cook something to keep their skills up to date.
How To Join A Career Path
Getting a job in the sims is much easier than real life, no interviews, yay! To choose a career path, you must go through a mobile phone or a computer.
- Get the sim to interact with a computer or mobile phone
- Choose “Find a Job” from the pop-up options
- You’ll be greeted with a panel that allows you to select a career
- Pick a career path from the side panel and click the tick button at the bottom
How Do They Work?
In the game, sims are usually expected to work five days a week, similar to that of a real job. These hours and days worked will depend on your chosen career path for the sim. For example, in the culinary industry, you may be expected to work late in the evenings or on the weekends. Your sim will have an automated action to go to work. However, if their needs are unmet, and they feel tired or hungry, they may not be as willing to go.
If they don’t go on their own, you can click on the sim and choose an option named ‘Go to Work’. When the sim receives a promotion, their new position may change the hours and days of the week they work. This will be indicated to you with a popup when the promotion occurs.
Who Needs To Fill Out Reports?
The sims that have a career in the ‘Business’ sector of the game will need to fill out reports. Filling out these reports every day will maximize the sim’s career progression. It is not essential that your sim completes these daily tasks, but they will stay at the same level throughout the game and can even risk getting fired if they don’t put in any effort.
How To Fill Out Reports
To complete the daily task of filling out reports, the sims character needs to interact with a computer in the home. It’s super simple to do, and it will only take a few moments to complete this:
- Get your sim to interact with a computer by clicking on it
- Select “More choices” from the options that pop up
- Then select “Web” and “Fill out reports”
The “fill out reports” option has a small briefcase icon next to it to make it easier to locate. Once the sim has completed this action for the day, it will be updated in the career tab, where all the sims information is. Sometimes sims will get distracted and won’t sit at the computer until they’ve finished filling out their reports.
This could be for a number of reasons, such as being hungry, tired, or needing to use the bathroom. If this happens, you’ll need to fulfill their needs again and create the action again.
Why It’s Important To Fill These Reports Out
Filling out these reports every day will improve the sim’s job performance which leads to more money and, eventually, a promotion. It’s okay to miss this once or twice but try to ensure they complete this action as much as possible.
How To Be More Efficient In Filling These Out
Although time in the game moves very quickly, it can still take the sim a few hours to fill out these reports, which means they aren’t free to do other things. There are ways to make your sim fill out the forms faster. Before creating the action to fill out the reports, ensure your sim’s needs are met depending on their current status.
If they are hungry, make sure they eat, and if they are bored, make sure to entertain them before they start. This will put them in a good mood and reduce the completion times significantly.
The Bottom Line
The Sims 4 has multiple layers to the game, allowing you to simulate life through virtual characters or ‘Sims’. When your sim has a job, there are certain tasks that each profession must complete each day to increase their job performance to get a promotion.