How to Make a Horse in Little Alchemy 2: Complete Guide and Combinations

Little Alchemy 2 is a captivating and addictive game that allows you to combine different elements to create new ones. One of the most sought-after creations in the game is the majestic horse. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of making a horse in Little Alchemy 2, along with additional combinations that involve the horse element. So, let’s dive in and unlock the secrets to creating this magnificent creature!
Horse in Little Alchemy 2: Walkthrough
Step 1: Fire + Fire = Energy
To kickstart the process of making a horse, you’ll need to create energy. Combine two fire elements to generate energy. Fire can be found in the basic elements section of the game. Drag and drop two fire icons on top of each other, and you’ll witness the birth of energy.
Step 2: Water + Water = Puddle
Next, you’ll need to create a puddle. Combine two water elements to form a puddle. Water is another basic element that can be easily accessed in the game. Drag and drop two water icons onto each other to create a puddle.
Step 3: Puddle + Puddle = Pond
Now that you have a puddle, combine two puddles to form a pond. Drag and drop two puddle icons together, and watch as they merge into a larger body of water, giving birth to a pond.
Step 4: Pond + Pond = Lake
Combine two ponds to create a larger body of water known as a lake. Merge two pond icons together and witness the transformation into a beautiful, serene lake.
Step 5: Lake + Lake = Sea
Continuing the progression, merge two lakes to create an even more vast and expansive body of water—a sea. Combine two lake icons together, and you’ll now have a sea at your disposal.
Step 6: Sea + Earth = Primordial Soup
The next step involves combining the sea with earth to create primordial soup. Merge the sea icon with the earth icon, and observe as they amalgamate into a bubbling concoction known as primordial soup.
Step 7: Energy + Primordial Soup = Life
Combine the energy you created in Step 1 with the primordial soup from Step 6 to initiate the spark of life. Merge the energy icon with the primordial soup icon, and witness the birth of life itself.
Step 8: Earth + Earth = Land
Now, let’s create the foundation on which our horse will stand—land. Combine two earth elements to form land. Drag and drop two earth icons together, and marvel at the formation of solid ground.
Step 9: Life + Land = Animal and Soil
Merge the life element from Step 7 with the land element from Step 8 to create both an animal and soil. The soil will provide the necessary nourishment for our horse to thrive. Witness the transformation as life and land combine to form an animal and soil simultaneously.
Step 10: Animal + Land = Horse
Finally, we’ve arrived at our desired outcome. Combine the animal element with the land element to create the magnificent horse. Experience the joy of witnessing the birth of this majestic creature, the epitome of grace and power.
Additional Combinations with Horse:
– Container + Horse = Barn
– Desert/Dune/Sand + Horse = Camel
– Human/Story + Horse = Centaur
– River/Water + Horse = Hippo
– Metal/Steel + Horse = Horseshoe
– Warrior + Horse = Knight
– Rope + Horse = Lasso
– Paper + Horse = Origami
– Bird/Sky + Horse = Pegasus
– Fabric/Leather/Tool + Horse = Saddle
– Fish/Lake/Ocean/Sea/Water + Horse = Seahorse
– Machine/Statue/Wood + Horse = Trojan Horse
– Double Rainbow + Horse = Unicorn
– Legend/Magic/Rainbow/Story + Horse = Unicorn
– Cart + Horse = Wagon
Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to make a horse in Little Alchemy 2. By following the step-by-step combinations outlined in this guide, you were able to create the magnificent horse, symbolizing strength, freedom, and beauty.
Little Alchemy 2 provides an engaging and creative experience where you can experiment with various elements and their combinations to create new and exciting elements. The joy of discovering and unlocking new creations is a significant part of the game’s allure.
Throughout the process, you discovered that a horse can be formed by combining fire, water, energy, earth, and life elements. Each step represented a significant transformation, leading you closer to your desired outcome.
Moreover, we explored additional combinations involving the horse element, which allowed you to create various other elements such as the barn, camel, centaur, hippo, horseshoe, knight, lasso, origami, Pegasus, saddle, seahorse, Trojan horse, unicorn, and wagon. These combinations add depth and versatility to the game, allowing you to expand your creative possibilities.
Remember, Little Alchemy 2 is about finding specific combinations and discovering the interconnectedness and synergy between different elements. So, don’t hesitate to explore and experiment with various combinations beyond what is mentioned in this guide.
Now that you have mastered the art of creating a horse and explored its related combinations, you are well-equipped to delve deeper into the world of Little Alchemy 2. Continue to unlock new elements, uncover hidden combinations, and embark on exciting journeys of creation.
Enjoy the enchanting realm of Little Alchemy 2, where imagination knows no bounds, and the possibilities are endless! Happy alchemizing!