How to Make Diamond in Little Alchemy 2

If you’ve been playing the addictive game Little Alchemy 2 and are wondering how to make a diamond, you’ve come to the right place! Creating a diamond in the game involves combining different elements step by step. Follow this guide to unlock the sparkle of a precious gem in your alchemical adventures, and learn how to make diamond in Little Alchemy 2.
Here’s the step-by-step process for making a diamond:
1. Fire + Fire = Energy
By combining two elements of fire, you’ll generate energy. This is the first step towards creating a diamond.
2. Puddle + Water = Pond
Merge a puddle with water to form a pond. This combination increases the quantity of water, setting the stage for larger bodies.
3. Pond + Water = Lake
Take the pond you created and add more water to transform it into a lake. We’re gradually building up the water element here.
4. Lake + Water = Sea
Continue adding water to the lake to create a sea. The sea holds immense potential for further combinations.
5. Sea + Earth = Primordial Soup
Combine the sea with earth to produce primordial soup. This mixture represents the essence of life’s origin.
6. Energy + Primordial Soup = Life
Introduce energy into the primordial soup, and you’ll witness the birth of life. This step is crucial in the creation of a diamond.
7. Earth + Earth = Land
Merge two portions of earth to form land. We’re shaping the world for more expansive possibilities.
8. Land + Earth = Continent
Combine land with more earth to establish a continent. The scale of your alchemical creations is growing.
9. Continent + Continent = Planet
Bring two continents together to create a planet. This fundamental step sets the stage for the formation of a diamond.
10. Planet + Air = Atmosphere
Introduce air to the planet to generate an atmosphere. The combination of earth and air opens up new avenues for alchemical experiments.
11. Atmosphere + Water = Cloud
Combine the atmosphere with water to form clouds. These fluffy formations are essential for the next step.
12. Cloud + Water = Rain
Let the clouds release their moisture as rain. The water from the clouds will play a vital role in creating a diamond.
13. Life + Earth = Soil
Merge life with earth to yield soil. This fertile combination provides the necessary foundation for future plant growth.
14. Soil + Rain = Plant
Add rain to the soil, and a plant will sprout. Vegetation is an integral part of the diamond-making process.
15. Air + Air = Pressure
Combine two portions of air to generate pressure. This element will be crucial in the subsequent steps.
16. Earth + Water = Mud
Merge earth with water to create mud. Mud serves as a critical ingredient for our diamond creation.
17. Earth + Plant = Grass
Combine earth with a plant to produce grass. We’re building up to the final stages now.
18. Grass + Mud = Swamp
Merge grass with mud to form a swamp. This combination paves the way for the transformation into a precious gem.
19. Swamp + Pressure = Peat
Introduce pressure to the swamp, and you’ll obtain peat. This element brings us closer to the creation of a diamond.
20. Peat + Earth = Coal
Combine peat with earth to generate coal. We’re getting closer to our goal of creating a diamond.
21. Coal + Pressure = Diamond
Finally, apply pressure to coal, and you’ll have a diamond! The culmination of your alchemical journey is here, and the brilliance of a precious gem awaits you.
Other Combinations with Diamond:
– Diamond + Paper = Money
– Diamond + Gold = Ring
– Diamond + Love = Ring
– Diamond + Metal = Ring
– Diamond + Steel = Ring
Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to create a diamond in Little Alchemy 2. By carefully combining various elements, step by step, you have unlocked the beauty and rarity of this precious gem. Remember, diamonds are not only valuable but also serve as essential ingredients in creating other valuable items like rings and money.
Little Alchemy 2 offers a fascinating world of alchemy where you can experiment and discover countless combinations. So keep exploring and creating, and who knows what other extraordinary elements and creations you might stumble upon.
Enjoy your alchemical journey, and may the brilliance of your diamonds illuminate your path to further discoveries!