How To Get Intel From A Character

Have you been playing Fortnite, and you have gotten a quest that has asked you to get intel from a character, but you have no idea what this means? If this is your situation, this guide will give you the information you need to get intel from a character.
It is quite common in Fortnite that a quest will ask you to get intel from a character. If you do not know where to access your quests, if you pause during a game or while you are in the lobby, on a menu next to where you see the map, you should be able to see the quests which you need to do as well.
These quests change quite often, and because of this they are often split into different sections, for example, daily quests will change every day, but there are also quests that will last for the whole season as well. Quests that require you to get intel from characters will usually be a season quest or maybe a weekly one.
Generally speaking, all you need to do to get intel from a character to complete your quest is to find the NPC that the game asks you to and talk to them. You may need to choose a specific dialogue option to complete the quest.
Other than this, there is not much else to do in these quests, but they will usually give you another objective immediately.
Where To Find NPCs In Fortnite?
So, if you have a quest to find and get intel from a character in Fortnite, you know now that you need to talk to this character. However, the map in Fortnite is incredibly big, and with the storm always closing in, you will not always get the chance to search around for an NPC.
Luckily, there are a few ways to get the specific location of an NPC, so you can either land there or plan to go there during your game.
Quest Navigating
The first and most simple method to find out where an NPC is in Fortnite is to navigate the quest. This is not always a feature in Fortnite. While sometimes it is included in the game, Epic Games occasionally removes this feature, or sometimes it is absent for specific missions. However, in recent seasons this option has usually been included.
Navigating a quest will show you exactly where an NPC currently is on the map so that you can go right there. All you have to do is go onto the specific quest which is asking you to interact with a character, and then there should be an option somewhere on the display to navigate the quest.
This option and the correct button prompt are occasionally difficult to see, so look everywhere on the screen for them. Once you have found out what you need to navigate the quest, press the button, this will show you on the map where the location is, and then you can set a marker there, so you will have the location marked for your next game.
If the quest wants you to see multiple NPCs or gives you a choice, this should show you where they all are. This way, you can know what your options are.
You can use another option to find out where the NPC is. This method is a little more awkward than the previous one, so ensure that you have already tried navigating the quest.
If you have looked at the menu in Fortnite, where the quests are, the map, and most recently, your augments, you have probably already seen the option to look at your collections.
This section used to only show you the fish you had caught, but since Chapter 2, Season 5, this section also shows you which NPCs you have spoken to and will also show you where they are located. It might show multiple locations since NPCs can move around the map as the season progresses.
This method will only work if you have already spoken to the NPC you need to talk to, but you can look at them in your collection, see their location, and then go there in your next game.
However, you will want to make sure that you go to the location where you saw this NPC most recently, as this will ensure that you will most likely find them.
Other Methods
If you cannot find the NPC by navigating the quest or by looking in your collection, then the easiest method is to search online for the most recent location of the NPC, and you should be able to find a post. Check the article’s date to see if it is recent before doing this, however.
What Can You Get From Talking To NPCs In Fortnite?
For most NPCs in Fortnite, you will be able to talk to them when you stand close enough to them. The button needed to talk to them will appear once you get close enough.
However, some hostile NPCs will attack you when they see you, so make sure that the NPC sees you before you talk to them, so you know that they will not attack you.
Once you have found an NPC you can talk to, they will usually give you some dialogue options. Before this, the NPC will also drop an item which will either go on the floor by them or, if you have room in your inventory, it will go right there.
The dialogue options which an NPC can give you will always vary between NPCs. However, once you know who offers what, you will be able to plan for what NPCs can give you.
There is a massive variety of what NPCs can give you in Fortnite. Some will offer you a bounty, some will ask you to fight them, and this will lead to you getting a weapon if you win. Some will sell you things, like weapons, meds, or information, like where the next storm circle will be. You can even hire them to join your party and help with the game.
These are only a few options, but it is always worth talking to an NPC, even if it is to get the free item they will drop.