What Level Does Yamper Evolve?

If you have been playing a fair amount of Pokemon Sword or Shield, you have probably run into a yamper in the wild.
Because of this electric-type pokemon’s adorable design, just like many people, you have probably added this pokemon to your early game team!
But if this is the case, and you do not know much about this pokemon, you are probably wondering if it evolves and when it will do so.
Suppose you were hoping that this pokemon would evolve. In that case, you are lucky, yamper does evolve into a slightly bigger dog pokemon called boltund, which evolves when it reaches level 25.
This means that once the battle ends where a yamper goes over the level of 25, it will evolve into a boltund. So, yes, yamper does evolve!
If you want to learn more about this cute dog pokemon from Galar, you can learn even more about it if you keep reading!
Does Boltund Evolve?
Many evolution lines of pokemon can evolve twice, and often when you look at a pokemon that has evolved once. You might be left questioning if it can evolve again.
When you look at the evolution of yamper, boltund, you might think it could evolve again. If you were hoping that boltund would evolve, then, unfortunately, this is not the case, and boltund is the final stage of the evolution of yamper.
This is not a massive problem, though, as boltund is still a good enough pokemon to get you through most of the story of Sword and Shield.
What Games Is Yamper In?
The first games that yamper was present in were Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield, released in 2019.
Since then, the only other mainline Pokemon games released are Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, which were released in later 2022.
This new game set in the region of Paldea features about 400 pokemon, and while many of them are new, most are returning. Unfortunately, yamper and boltund are not part of the returning cast for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
However, it is worth considering that after Pokemon Sword and Shield was released, additional DLC was added to the game with the Isle of Armor and the Crown Tundra.
Both of these DLC packs added some new returning Pokemon to the game, so the available pokemon in Sword and Shield drastically increased after this was added.
Pokemon Company touted this DLC as the new alternative to releasing the traditional third or sequel entry to a Pokemon game (for example, Pokemon Platinum after Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Or Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon after Sun and Moon.)
Because of this, we can assume that in the year or maybe a couple of years following Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, we could expect DLC to be added to the games.
This DLC will likely add more returning Pokemon as it did for Pokemon Sword and Shield, so perhaps yamper and boltund could return to the series with an addition like this!
What Is Yamper’s Pokedex Entry?
As we all know, different Pokemon have different Pokedex entries depending on the game they feature in. As mentioned in the previous section, yamper only appeared in Pokemon Sword and Shield, so currently, there are only two Pokedex entries for this species.
For Pokemon Sword, the Pokedex entry for yamper reads: “This Pokémon is very popular as a herding dog in the Galar region. As it runs, it generates electricity from the base of its tail.”
And in Pokemon Shield, the Pokedex entry for yamper is: “This gluttonous Pokémon only assists people with their work because it wants treats. As it runs, it crackles with electricity.”
These entries show how adorable this electric dog is and why it is such a popular choice in the region of Galar.
For a bonus, we will also show the Pokedex entries for yamper’s evolution boltund. In Pokemon Sword, the Pokedex entry for boltund is: “This Pokémon generates electricity and channels it into its legs to keep them going strong.
Boltund can run nonstop for three full days.” And in Pokemon Shield, the Pokedex entry for boltund is: “It sends electricity through its legs to boost its strength.
Running at top speed, it easily breaks 50 mph.” These entries show that boltund is much more impressive than its cute unevolved state!
Where To Find Yamper In Sword And Shield?
If you want a yamper in Pokemon Sword and Shield, you should look for it in the wild. And luckily, it appears in all the same places in both Sword and Shield versions.
The locations where you can find a wild yamper include; Route 2, Route 4, Giant’s Mirror, Motostoke Riverbank, and Stony Wilderness.
If you are looking for a yamper in a Max Raid Battle, you can look in; Giant’s Mirror, Lake of Outrage, and Motostoke Riverbank. You can also find this pokemon in the Crown Tundra DLC by Ballimere Lake.
While sometimes evolved pokemon cannot be found in the wild, this is not the case for boltund, and they can be found almost as commonly as yamper in the later areas of Sword and Shield.
If you want to find a boltund and skip yamper, you can find them in Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage, Motostoke Riverbank, and North Lake Miloch. And, if you want to find a Boltund in a Max Raid Battle, you can find them in Giant’s Mirror, Lake of Outrage, and Motostoke Riverbank.
You can also find boltund in the Isle of Armor and the Crown Tundra DLC. In the Isle of Armor, you can only find it in Max Raid Battles, Fields of Honor, Forest of Focus, Challenge Beach, and Honeycalm Sea.
And, in the Crown Tundra, you can find it by Ballimere Lake or during Dynamax Adventures. You can also find it in Max Raid Battles in Max Raid Battles: Frostpoint Field, Giant’s Bed, Frigid Sea, Three-Point Pass, Ballimere Lake.
So, in Sword and Shield, there are plenty of ways to get your hands on a yamper or a boltund!