How To Charge Oculus Quest 2 Controllers
The Oculus Quest 2 (also branded simply as the Quest 2) is a gaming and computing engineering marvel.
The number of innovative features this little headset has over its predecessor is amazing.
The much quicker refresh rate makes playing games a much more immersive experience and a much higher overall pixel count.
And that’s not even touching on the advancements in the headset’s controllers, like the enhanced motion tracking features.
No other platform comes quite as close as the Quest 2 to being this immersive, even if not every game available out there uses them to their full potential or has the same level of finesse.
However, the batteries of these controllers are known to drain quite quickly, leaving you stuck and with no way to play some games.
So, knowing how to charge these controllers and keep them working is essential.
Fortunately, this guide that we have compiled has all the answers that you could need to solve this problem!
Can You Charge Oculus Quest 2 Controllers?
So, before we go any further into this guide, we should probably first ask the main question: Can you even charge your Oculus Quest 2 controllers?
Unfortunately, the answer is currently no, at least as standard for Quest 2 controllers.
The Quest 2’s controllers do not come with charging points or batteries as standard.
Instead, they are powered by a single disposable AA alkaline battery, similar to the standard setup for most Xbox console controllers.
Replacing Your Batteries
So, if it is not possible to charge your Quest 2 controllers with the standard headset and controllers.
However, this also means that keeping your headset controllers working is as simple as replacing the old AA batteries in the controllers with new ones.
There’s no need to wait for charging times. Just out with the old and in with the new ones!
So, if you want to learn how to replace the batteries in your Quest 2 controllers, simply follow these steps:
- Slide the battery cover off the controllers to reveal the batteries.
- While figuring out where the cover slides off is a little tricky, look for the tiny arrow embossed at the top edge of the controller’s cover. Just push in the direction that the arrow is pointing in.
- Once the cover of the controller is off, you can remove the old battery inside with your new one, disposing of the old one when you are finished.
- Afterward, you just need to slide the cover back over the battery and into place.
And that’s it! The process is incredibly easy and only takes a few minutes, if that!
Other Options For Powering Your Oculus Quest 2 Controllers
However, many people may find that, while convenient and cheap at first, replacing the old disposable batteries with new ones racks up a pretty large price tag over time.
However, there are a few options that you can choose from now, rather than being forced to put up with simply spending money on disposable batteries.
Using Rechargeable Batteries
The most obvious option you may want to consider for your Quest 2 controllers is simply replacing the disposable batteries with rechargeable ones.
There are some pretty clear advantages to this strategy. For one thing, you won’t need to spend nearly as much on batteries over a long period.
Plus, there are many varieties of rechargeable battery brands for you to pick from.
However, you will still need to take the batteries out of the controller to charge them, so you won’t be able to use them inside your controller while charging.
This can still leave you with no way to use them while charging up except for using a different pair, which somewhat negates the point of rechargeable batteries.
If this seems like a good option for you, then consider checking out some of the batteries on offer here.
Charging Stand
Remember how we mentioned that most Oculus Quest 2 controllers do not have rechargeable parts as standard?
While that is still true, that hasn’t stopped other companies from filling this niche with 3rd-party charging parts and stations.
One of the best currently on the market right now is the Smatree charging dock for the Oculus Quest 2.
This stand replaces the standard battery covers of the Quest 2 controller and headset with a fully rechargeable battery pack that can be placed into the stand to charge when not in use.
While you still run into the issue of being unable to use the Quest 2 while this is happening (the headset included), charging only takes 2 and a half hours on average, meaning that it does charge relatively quickly.
If this seems like an appealing option to you, then check out this accessory on Amazon here.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Do Standard Batteries In The Oculus Quest 2 Last?
This will depend on how often you find yourself using your Oculus Quest 2 and the type or brand of batteries you are currently powering them with.
If you only use your Oculus once or twice a month, you can expect your batteries to last months without needing to be disposed of or recharged.
However, if you are using the Quest 2 often, more than a few times a week, you will find that they drain noticeably quicker.
Fortunately, while the headset can drain very quickly, the controllers for the quest don’t use nearly as much power.
Do The Oculus Rift 2 Controllers Turn Off On Their Own?
Although you should get into the habit of turning off your controllers manually to stop wasting power, the Oculus Quest 2’s controllers will turn off on their own after staying idle for too long.
Final Thoughts
So, as we can see, these amazing little controllers cannot be charged on their own.
However, so long as you have some batteries or 3rd party charging docks handy, there are ways to work around this.