Have you ever had an obstacle in Tarraria? Or are you finding it challenging to defeat the bosses, despite your best effort? There is an easy way to make Terraria’s journey more manageable; the answer is potions. For example, you might think pushing effects are negligible at first glance. But if you’ve attempted using a few, you will realize that potions are game-changing. Nevertheless, potions might seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be.
This complete guide potion for Terraria will give you a simple guide that is easy to understand and follow for getting started with potions in Terraria. We will discuss creating bottles, using an alchemy table, making glass bottles, and filling them with water. Also, how to set up your farm and harvest your herbs. Finally, which potions do we recommend to craft? So let’s begin with the complete potion guide for Terraria.
Potions offer various effects, from simple healing to buffs and gender change. You can’t craft all potions easily, but most can be simple to do.
Requirements for potions
To make potions, all you need are ingredients and the crafting station.
Crafting stations
It would be best to melt sand and the furnace to make glass blocks for the crafting stations. Then craft glass bottles from these blocks. Place a single glass bottle on the table, a platform, or wherever you prefer, and you’ve got your crafting station set up.
Now, alternatives opposite the potions will appear when you bring the materials near the bottle. If you’ve defeated Skeletron, you might discover some weird-looking table, like this one in the dungeon.
This blue one is named the alchemy table, and it functions precisely like a bottle, allowing you to craft potions.
An alchemy table has an enormous benefit. Crafting potions at an alchemy table has a 1 in 3 chance of not consuming the potion materials. As a result, you can produce more potions on average with limited ingredients, which is very beneficial, especially when making potions with rarer ingredients.
So getting your hands on such a table as soon as possible would help you a lot.
Crafting materials
For the ingredients, all you need is bottled water and the other stuff, and bottled water is easy to get.
Remember those glass bottles you made earlier, make tons of them, then travel to any body of water.
When you have reached a body of water, you might be tempted to click the bottle and then click the water, but that’s not how you do it. Instead, approach a body of water, then craft bottled water from the side. This method is only possible in the latest patch of Terraria.
If you’re not on the 1.4 updates, be sure your character is at least half-submerged in the body of water. Then cross them from the side. It’s counterintuitive, but it’s faster than filling each bottle at a time.
A quick note
Bottled water also used 20 health like an ineffective potion. You could use bottled water if you are desirous at the start but keep in mind that bottled water shares the potion cooldown, and it’s not something you use if you have more beneficial healing potions.
Herbs farming
Most potions require herbs that you will primarily discover in the wild. We can quickly produce herbs ourselves, and once the herb is established, we can have an unlimited supply at low effort.
There are three methods of how you can produce herbs.
We recommend the first two methods that we will mention.
- Firstly, the easiest method to garden herbs is by using clay pots. You can craft clay pots from clay blocks at a furnace. If you’re questioning where to find clay, it can be found slightly below the surface. Go over to the side and excavate, then you find red blocks. They’re easy to locate, and they usually come in large patches.
- The second method is to purchase plans or boxes from the Dryad. The Dryad is an NPC that moves in after you’ve defeated a chief. This method is unavailable if you’re having difficulty with the first chief.
This method is slightly expensive early on. All you require is to place down the planter boxes that act as platforms, and you can then plant the seeds on them.
The downside of the planter boxes is that they occupy more room and are more conspicuous. Still, they are easier to get without crafting.
A quick note: You don’t require day-bloom planter boxes for day-bloom specifically. All the planter boxes are for aesthetics, and you can plant herbs in any planter box.
- The last method to garden herbs is using blocks they naturally grow on. For example, you can use sand blocks to plant a waterleaf or grass to cultivate blossoms.
Any defensive swing or projectile will cause the herb to either harvest or perish. It would help if you were more cautious with your defense. Establishing platforms of blocks is more of a misery. Use planter boxes or clay pots.
Finding Herbs
Now that you’ve gotten your farm established. Take all efforts to cultivate. Generally, herbs have a few stages.
The first tiny sprout is when you’ve just planted it, and the second stage is when they have mellowed. Harvesting or mining the first sprout will give you nothing. You could harvest the herb during the second stage, but remember that the herb will not yield seeds for planting. There is a way around this, which we will mention later.
The best time to harvest herbs is to wait until the third stage when you see some flowers and blooms and where they might sparkle a little in-game. The flowers and buds give you a greater yield of herbs and seeds, which you can plant to multiply your supply continually.
The good thing about planter boxes and clay pots is that weapon swings will not destroy a plant, even in its infant stage. You will have to manually harvest herbs by clicking on the pickaxe, which allows you to manage when you want to reap the herbs.
Where to find herbs and when herbs develop
Firstly we have that daybloom which is found generally on grass. You’re likely to see the daybloom by randomly exploring the world initially, and they bloom in the daytime, from 4:30 AM to 7:29 PM in-game.
If you need to see the in-game time, make a gold watch at a table and chair using the required materials. With watches, you can see the time, which allows you to plan for harvesting.
Blink root
The blink root commonly grows underground. Blink roots are difficult to find, but you usually encounter several of them while spelunking. Blink root blooms randomly, so hopefully, you get some seeds when you harvest wild blink roots.
The deathweed is the most challenging and irritating to plant. The deathweed grows only in corruption and crimson biomes. Nevertheless, they only bloom during a blood moon or a full moon.
There is a method to see the moon phases in Terraria, but you must do the Angular fishing quests. And those quests can be a bit of a burden. Just enter the corruption at night and hope the death weed is in bloom for the seed.
The moonglow grows in jungles and is not too difficult to find. They bloom at night from 7:30 PM to 4:29 AM in-game time. The moonglow has an extraordinary glow when they’re in bloom, so it’s not too difficult to locate.
The shiverthorn grows in ice biomes. These are also common, and they bloom when granted enough time. The shiverthorns are very easy and reliable to harvest.
Waterleaf is another relatively simple one. This herb grows on sand blocks, and they either grow in the desert or on ocean beaches if you’re lucky. These blooms when it rains, so it’s not too tricky.
The fireblossom only grows in the underworld. You will need fireblossoms for obsidian skin potions, which are crucial in mining hellstone. Unfortunately, the underworld is rather tricky initially, so getting fire blossom might be challenging.
These bloom during sunset from 3:45 PM to 7:30 PM in-game. However, if it’s raining, the fireblossom won’t bloom, even during sunset. All you require to do is explore the world and take these herbs. Hopefully, you will get the herbs when they bloom to get seeds to plant yourself.
After you’ve planted the herbs, harvest them when they bloom. So you can get even more seeds and repeat the cycle. Always harvest deathweed whenever they bloom because they are the most annoying ones to catch.
The staff of regrowth
If you want to make this herb farming less complicated and more efficient, explore the jungle and look for a staff of regrowth. You will find the staff in chests located within jungle shrines, always lighted with a green torch.
A staff of regrowth will increase the number of herbs and seeds you gain from harvesting, and it will only allow harvesting from blooming plants in clay pots and planter boxes. So all you need to do is mindlessly swing the staff around, and it will do all the work for you.
Another great benefit is that it allows the harvest of seeds from natural non-blooming herbs. So, it’s perfect for getting your herb farm set up. This way, even if you find a fireblossom or a deathweed out of bloom, the staff will produce seeds for you allowing you to start the farm regardless.
Create bottles or use an alchemy table, then create glass bottles and fill them with water. Farm your herbs. A great way to start is to find a staff of regrowth, collect seeds from herbs worldwide, then replant them. Using the staff to harvest is also really good and easy and helps you gather many herbs. Finally, craft the potions you need.
Give the guide bottled water to view each recipe or check the wiki.
The most relevant buff potions are water herbs and a fish or something, which you can fish for in the relevant biome. Let’s go over some buff potion recommendations.
Potion recommendations
- Regeneration potions boost your health region, which helps you stay alive quite a bit.
- Ironskin potions increase your defense which helps us survive.
- Endurance potions are similar, cutting all damage received by 10%.
- Swiftness potions are also great for making you faster. They don’t stack with Hermes boots but with several other items, and there is no harm in using them.
- Magic power and mana regeneration potions are hugely beneficial if you’re a mage. As a summoner, the summoning potion is essential.
Also, try making pumpkin pie using pumpkins which seed you can purchase from the Dryad. Pumpkin pies also boost your health regeneration, which helps a lot more in expert mode.
Having an arsenal of potions is what you need for most bosses.
Niche potions
There are a few niche potions like the Archery potion for arrow users and the Ammo reservation potion for rangers.
Heartreach potions to increase heart pickup range and more. But you don’t need those unless you are having a really tough time.
Spelunker potion
One of the best quality-of-life potions in the game is the spelunker potion. Drinking one highlight all the ores and treasures on your screen, allowing you to find whatever you want quickly. Chests, ores, life crystals, or life fruits show them all. We recommend using a spelunker potion when you go spelunking.
Luck potions are also pleasant boosting your drop rate by a small amount when farming. Just give the guide one bottle of water to see how to craft all these potions that might interest you.
This concludes the complete potion guide for Terraria, where we have addressed all the potions for Terraria area 1.4. Terraria is a vast game with lots of stuff and mechanics. However, everything isn’t that difficult, especially when digested into bite-sized summaries like this.