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How to play with the best Sims 4 Multiplayer Mod

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Did you always want to play Sims 4 with a friend? Now is the best time to do it because there is a mod. And the mod works. You can play with a friend with the free Sims 4 multiplayer mod. Currently, the mods support only two players. Live, interact and have fun together. This article will show you how. Both of you do need the following, though:

  • One computer per player
  • The Sims 4 version 1.54.120 or later
  • Same content, expansion packs, and mods
  • And optionally, Hamachi to play online.

Let’s break down the mod installation, starting and closing the game process into a few short steps.

1. Download and install the Sims 4 multiplayer mod

Go to and start downloading the multiplayer mod from there and installing it. On each computer, extract the downloaded archive. Inside you will find a .ts4script file. Copy that to your games mod folder. Start Sims 4  and go to the game’s options. Make sure you have custom content and script mods enabled. Turn both on. You should restart the game when it asks you to do that.

2. Create a save file

Start a new game on the computer on which you will host Sims 4. And in that game, create all the sims you would like to play. If you wish, you can use an existing save file as well. When done, hit save and move the Sims into a lot. Buy and build everything in advance. Pause the time, then hit save and exit the game. It is essential to pause the game before saving. You need to pause and save the game to ensure that both the host and your friend join a synced game file.

3. Host a game

When done saving the game, one player must host a game that the other can join. After login in, click on the host game tab. Hamachi is automatically detected if it’s running.  Click on the network interfaces to select the network you would like your host your game. Click the start server button to create a room and start the server. Then the other player can join the chamber.

4. Joining a game as a client

There are two methods to join a room. With auto-discover, you automatically join any game on your local or Hamachi network. You can also manually enter the target room code if it doesn’t work.

When connected, a couple of network tests will automatically run to see if the system is set up correctly.

5. Sync the saved file

The only thing remaining before playing is to sync the save file. On the server, pc hit the sync Save button and select the game save you want to synchronize to the other players. Their status should change to synced once they have received the saved file.

Now you can start the game either by clicking on the start game button or manually starting it.

6. Start playing

Inside the game, everyone now should see the synced game save. Load up your synchronized save and enter the lot. You will receive a notification when you have joined the game server successfully. You’ll also get notified when other players have joined.

When you see everyone’s ready message, the server player can start the time in the game. (Only the host  player controls the in-game time.) And that’s it.

Now you can play together, travel together, and enjoy the Sims 4 real-time multiplayer with your friends.

7. How to stop the game

Finally, let’s see how to stop the game properly. Pause the time, open the game console (press CTRL + SHIFT + C) and type disconnect. Afterward, save and exit the game. And every one should leave the room in the launcher.

Check out the video instructions here.

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