Civilization 6 is one of the most popular strategy games in the world, and it offers many exciting gameplay options for players. One of the most interesting and challenging units to play with in Civilization 6 is the Apostle. Apostles are religious units that spread your religion worldwide, convert other civilizations, and engage in theological combat. In this guide, we will take a closer look at how to play as an Apostle in Civilization 6, and give you some tips and strategies to help you become a master of this unit.
Understanding the Basics of Apostles
Before you start playing as an Apostle in Civilization 6, it is important to understand the basics of this unit. Apostles are religious units that can be trained in your Holy Site district and can be used to spread your religion to other cities and civilizations. Each Apostle has a limited number of religious charges that can be used to convert other civilizations. These charges can be replenished by returning to a Holy Site district or by receiving certain promotions.
Choosing the Right Promotions for Your Apostles
Promotions are an essential part of playing as an Apostle in Civilization 6, and they can greatly enhance the abilities of your units. Several different promotions are available for Apostles, and each one provides unique benefits. For example, the Proselytizer promotion allows your Apostle to convert cities more quickly, while the Translator promotion allows your Apostle to spread your religion to cities that speak a different language.
When choosing promotions for your Apostles, it is important to consider your overall strategy and goals. If you want to convert as many cities as possible, then the Proselytizer promotion might be the best choice. If you want to expand your religion to new civilizations, then the Translator promotion might be more useful. Experiment with different promotions to find the best ones for your playstyle.
Spreading Your Religion
Spreading your religion is the primary goal of playing as an Apostle in Civilization 6, and there are several ways to do this effectively. The first step is to use your Apostles to convert cities near your civilization. This will create a religious base that you can use to spread your religion further.
Once you have established a base, you can use your Apostles to convert cities in other civilizations. This can be done by moving your Apostle to a nearby city and using the “Convert” action. Each time you convert a city, you will use up one religious charge, so it is important to use your charges wisely.
Engaging in Theological Combat
Another important aspect of playing as an Apostle in Civilization 6 is engaging in theological combat. This unique form of combat allows you to battle other religious units and defend your own religion. To engage in theological combat, move your Apostle onto a tile occupied by an enemy religious unit and use the “Attack” action.
When engaging in theological combat, it is important to pay attention to the promotions of your opponents. Some religious units are more powerful than others, and they can quickly defeat weaker units. Use your promotions and religious abilities to gain the upper hand in battles and defend your religion.
Managing Your Religious Units
Managing your religious units is an important part of playing as an Apostle in Civilization 6. You will need to keep track of your religious charges and promotions and ensure you are using your units effectively. You should also keep an eye on the religious units of other civilizations, and be prepared to defend your own religion if necessary.
Remember that military units can attack religious units. It would help if you protected your Apostles and other religious units from enemy attacks. You can do this by strategically positioning them or escorting them with military units.
Combining Religion and Diplomacy
Religion can also be used as a tool for diplomacy in Civilization 6. By converting other civilizations to your religion, you can increase your influence over them and gain favor with their leaders. This can be useful for forming alliances, negotiating trade deals, and avoiding wars.
However, it is important to remember that not all civilizations will be receptive to your religion. Some civilizations may have their dominant religion or actively try to suppress yours. In these cases, focusing on other aspects of diplomacy, such as trade or military alliances, may be more effective.
Playing as an Apostle in Civilization 6 can be a challenging and rewarding experience. By understanding the basics of this unit, choosing the right promotions, and using your religious abilities effectively, you can spread your religion worldwide and gain influence over other civilizations. Remember to pay attention to the religious units of different civilizations, and be prepared to defend your own religion if necessary. And don’t forget to use religion as a tool for diplomacy, as it can be a powerful way to increase your influence and avoid conflicts. With these tips and strategies, you can become a master of the Apostle in Civilization 6.