Sims 4 is a fantastic game that allows you to create and control your own virtual world. Some players may find that using cheats can enhance their gaming experience. They provide access to hidden items and objects, unlock new abilities for their Sims, and even modify the game’s rules to suit their preferences.
However, using cheats responsibly is important, as they can sometimes cause issues or glitches in the game. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular cheats for Sims 4 and provide easy-to-follow instructions on using them. Whether you’re a seasoned Sims player or just getting started, this guide will help you get the most out of your gameplay experience. So, let’s dive in and discover all the cool things you can do with Sims 4 cheats!
For academic and research purposes, we will be discussing the following most commonly known cheats for Sims 4, and not only Sims 4 move objects cheat:
- testingcheats true – enables various cheats to be used, such as modifying skills, careers, and relationships.
- motherlode – provides your household with 50,000 Simoleons (in-game currency).
- bb.moveobjects – allows you to move objects anywhere on the lot, even if they would normally block a Sim’s path. (Sims 4 move objects cheat)
- bb.showhiddenobjects – unlocks hidden objects that are not available in buy mode.
- cas.fulleditmode – allows you to fully edit a Sim’s appearance, including their name, traits, and aspirations.
- freerealestate – purchase any residential lot for free.
- Vampire cheats – become a vampire without being bitten and change vampire traits.
- Werewolf cheats – become a werewolf and change werewolf traits.
Testincheats true
The “testingcheats true” cheat in Sims 4 enables a variety of other cheats and commands in the game. Here are the steps to use the cheat:
- Open the cheat console by pressing “Ctrl + Shift + C” on your keyboard.
- Type “testingcheats true” in the cheat console and press Enter.
- You should see a message in the console saying, “Cheats are enabled.”
- To use other cheats or commands that require testingcheats to be enabled, simply open the cheat console again and type the desired cheat or command.
Once testingcheats is enabled, you can use a variety of other cheats and commands in the game, such as “bb.moveobjects” to move objects anywhere on the lot, “cas.fulleditmode” to edit a Sim’s appearance, or “money [amount]” to set your household’s funds to a specific amount. It’s important to note that some cheats and commands can cause issues or glitches in the game, so use them responsibly and always make a backup of your save files before using any cheats.
The “motherlode” cheat in Sims 4 is a popular cheat code that instantly gives your Sim household 50,000 Simoleons, the game’s currency. Here are the steps to use the cheat:
- Open the cheat console by pressing “Ctrl + Shift + C” on your keyboard.
- Type “testingcheats true” in the cheat console and press Enter to enable cheats.
- Type “motherlode” in the cheat console and press Enter.
- Your household’s funds will be immediately increased by 50,000 Simoleons.
It’s important to note that using the “motherlode” cheat can significantly impact your gameplay experience. It provides your Sims with a lot of money that can make the game easier and less challenging. It’s also essential to use the cheat responsibly and avoid overusing it, as this can diminish the sense of accomplishment of earning money through normal gameplay.
bb.moveobjects / Sims 4 move objects cheat
The “bb.moveobjects” cheat in Sims 4 allows you to move objects anywhere on the lot, even if they would normally block a Sim’s path or placement grid. Here are the steps to use the cheat:
- Open the cheat console by pressing “Ctrl + Shift + C” on your keyboard.
- Type “testingcheats true” in the cheat console and press Enter to enable cheats.
- Type “bb.moveobjects” in the cheat console and press Enter to activate the cheat.
- Go to buy mode and select an object you want to move.
- Press and hold the “Alt” key on your keyboard to move the object freely around the lot.
- Release the “Alt” key to place the object in its new location.
It’s important to note that using the “bb.moveobjects” cheat can sometimes cause objects to clip through walls or other objects and can sometimes cause issues with Sims pathing or interactions. So, be sure to use the cheat with caution and only when necessary.
bb.showhiddenobjects / debug cheat / unlock all items cheat
The “bb.showhiddenobjects” cheat in Sims 4 allows you to access a variety of hidden objects in the game. Here are the steps to use the cheat:
- Open the cheat console by pressing “Ctrl + Shift + C” on your keyboard.
- Type “bb.showhiddenobjects” in the cheat console and press Enter.
- Go to build mode or buy mode and open the catalog.
- Click on the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner of the catalog to open the search function.
- Type “debug” in the search bar and press Enter.
- You should now see various hidden objects in the catalog, such as rocks, plants, and debug items.
Please note that using the “bb.showhiddenobjects” cheat can sometimes cause issues or glitches in the game, as the hidden objects may not be fully tested or optimized for gameplay. Use the cheat at your own risk, and always make a backup of your saved files before using any cheats.
cas.fulleditmode / cas cheat
The “cas.fulleditmode” cheat in Sims 4 allows you to fully edit an existing Sim’s appearance, traits, and aspirations. Here are the steps to use the cheat:
- Open the cheat console by pressing “Ctrl + Shift + C” on your keyboard.
- Type “testingcheats true” in the cheat console and press Enter to enable cheats.
- Type “cas.fulleditmode” in the cheat console and press Enter.
- Enter “Create-a-Sim” mode by either clicking on a mirror or wardrobe or clicking the “Create-a-Sim” button in the game menu.
- Choose the Sim you want to edit and enter their “Create-a-Sim” screen.
- Edit your Sim’s appearance, traits, aspirations, or any other information as desired.
- Click the checkmark button to save your changes and return to the game.
It’s important to note that using the “cas.fulleditmode” cheat can sometimes cause issues or glitches in the game, especially if you edit a Sim’s traits or aspirations. As with all the other cheats, use them at your own risk, and remember to back up your saved files before using any cheats.
The “Free Real Estate” cheat in Sims 4 allows you to purchase any residential lot without having to pay for it. Here are the steps to use the cheat:
- Open the cheat console by pressing “Ctrl + Shift + C” on your keyboard.
- Type “testingcheats true” in the cheat console and press Enter to enable cheats.
- Type “freerealestate on” in the cheat console and press Enter to activate the cheat.
- Go to the map view and select the lot you want to purchase.
- Click on the lot and select “Purchase” to buy it for free.
Once you’ve used the cheat to purchase the lot, the “Free Real Estate” cheat will remain active for all future lot purchases, unless you turn it off by typing “freerealestate off” in the cheat console.
It’s important to note that using cheats can sometimes cause bugs or glitches in the game. If you encounter any issues, you can try saving your game and restarting it to see if the problem is resolved.
Vampire cheats
To enable the Vampire cheats in Sims 4, you must first install the “Vampires” expansion pack. Once you have the expansion pack, follow these steps:
- Open the cheat console by pressing “Ctrl + Shift + C” on your keyboard.
- Type “testingcheats true” in the cheat console and press Enter to enable cheats.
- Type “bb.showhiddenobjects” in the cheat console and press Enter to activate the debug mode.
- Go to buy mode and click on the search bar to bring up the catalog.
- Type “vampire” in the search bar and press Enter to access the Vampire objects.
- Place the Vampire object on your lot and have your Sim interact with it to become a Vampire.
Once your Sim has become a Vampire, you can use additional cheats to modify their Vampire powers and traits. Here are some of the Vampire cheats you can use:
- traits.equip_trait VampireSun – Makes your Vampire immune to the harmful effects of sunlight.
- traits.equip_trait VampireWeakness_Sun – Makes your Vampire vulnerable to sunlight.
- stats.set_stat commodity_Vampire_SunExposure – Sets the level of sun exposure for your Vampire Sim.
- stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP – Increases your Vampire Sim’s rank in the Vampire hierarchy.
It’s important to note that using cheats to become a Vampire can significantly change your Sim’s gameplay. So make sure to save your game before using the cheats if you want to revert to your original gameplay.
Werewolf cheats
To use werewolf cheats in Sims 4, you need to have the “Realm of Magic” game pack installed. Here are the steps to use the werewolf cheats:
- Open the cheat console by pressing “Ctrl + Shift + C” on your keyboard.
- Type “testingcheats true” in the cheat console and press Enter to enable cheats.
- Type “traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_Werewolf” in the cheat console and press Enter to turn your Sim into a werewolf.
- If you want to remove the werewolf trait from your Sim, you can type “traits.remove_trait trait_Occult_Werewolf” in the cheat console and press Enter.
Once you have turned your Sim into a werewolf, they will have access to various werewolf-specific interactions and abilities, such as transforming into a werewolf form, howling at the moon, and hunting prey. You can also use other cheats and commands to further customize your werewolf Sim’s experience, such as using “stats.set_skill_level Major_Fitness [number]” to increase your Sim’s fitness skill or “bucks.unlock_perk WerewolfPerk_IncreasedHunting_1” to unlock a perk that increases your Sim’s hunting success.
To sum it up, cheats can add an extra layer of enjoyment to your Sims 4 gameplay. Whether you want to access new items, give your Sims unique traits, or achieve specific goals, cheats can be a useful tool to help you along the way. However, it’s important to use cheats responsibly and consider how they may impact your overall experience with the game. By using cheats in moderation and being mindful of their potential effects, you can make the most of the many cheat options available in Sims 4. Happy simming!