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How To Throw In Gang Beasts

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Since its release in 2014, Gang Beasts has been a game that small groups of gamers have flocked to for some hilarious fun. It’s one of the most popular party games and features everything you’d expect.

Thrills, laughter, and mechanics that force you and your friends to become mortal enemies.

So let’s say you’ll be playing Gang Beasts soon and would like to know more about how you can use the game controls to your advantage.

How can you make your strange, gelatinous avatar do as you want them to? Is there a way for you to throw things in Gang Beasts?

If these are some of the questions you’re asking—don’t panic! We’ve got you covered. This article will give you a full overview of how to master the controls, starting with how to throw in Gang Beasts! So let’s get right into it! 

What Is Gang Beasts? 

Gang beasts is a fun, indie, multiplayer party game that pits a series of gelatinous characters against one another in a series of thrilling and hilarious circumstances.

In some ways, you can think of it as similar to something like Mario Party, except it puts your characters in a lot more hilarious and crazy situations! 

A big part of the game is messing with the other players to stop them from winning the individual challenges.

You can do this by making the most of the controls and grabbing, pushing, pulling, and shoving your enemies out of your way and into danger. 

How Do You Throw In Gang Beasts?

We’ll give you a more comprehensive breakdown of all the controls below, but to answer our question – how do you throw in Gang Beasts? 

Throwing is actually more complicated than you might first expect. To throw in Gang beasts, you must get familiar with the ‘grab’ command. You can find the specific command for this below.

But you’ll need to grab them with both hands, make sure they are lifted, and then you can release them to throw them. 

This can be especially effective if you’re close to an edge. Simply grab your opponent, lift them to the edge, and let them connect with the free air! 

Controls Overview For Gang Beasts

Okay, so let’s look at the general controls for Gang Beasts for various consoles. If you have a specific console/controller for PC—simply scroll down to find the one that applies to you!

PC (Keyboard) Controls

Simple Movement: WAS and D keys. 

Sprint: Hold down the spacebar while pressing a direction key.

Kick: M

Lie Down Flat: hold the M key. 

Sit: hold the spacebar while stationary.

Duck: Crtl key.

Crawl: hold the Ctrl key while moving. 

Headbutt: tap Ctrl.

Lift: Shift key.

Taunt: Shift key (from a distance)

Right Punch/Right Grab: Right mouse button.

Left Punch/Left Grab: Left Mouse Button

XBOX Controls 

Simple Movement: right analog stick.

Sprint: A button while pressing a direction key.

Kick: hold the X button.

Lie Down Flat: Holt the X button.

Sit: A button while stationary.

Duck: B button. 

Crawl: B button while moving.

Headbutt: tap the B button.

Lift: Y button. 

Taunt: Y button at range.

Right Punch/Right Grab: Right Bumper

Left Punch/Grab: Left Bumper 

PS4 Controls 

Simple Movement: right analog stick.

Sprint: X while moving. 

Kick: hold the Square button.

Lie Down Flat: Holt the Square button.

Sit: X button while stationary.

Duck: Circle button. 

Crawl: Circle button while moving.

Headbutt: tap the Circle button.

Lift: Triangle button. 

Taunt: Triangle button at range.

Right Punch/Right Grab: R1.

Left Punch/Grab: L1.

Advanced Controls In Gang Beasts 

Okay, so now that we’ve gone through the basics, let’s help you to master some of the more complex movements and controls in Gang Beasts.

We’re going to start with climbing, then go onto all the combo moves you’ll have at your disposal.


climbing is an advanced mechanic in Gang Beasts that can be great for you if you’re trying to get a winning edge over the other party members.

If there’s a climbable ledge, all you need to do is press the jump key and then the grab key with BOTH HANDS. This is very important. From here, you could be left dangling, so be careful!

Combo 1

The Dropkick – this can be a game-winning combo. All you need to do is press jump, then tap the kick button. This could take a few tries to get right, but providing you get the timing. You can easily kick another player off a ledge.

Combo 2

Backflip – this one is another tricky one to get right but can do wonders for evading the threat of other players. To backflip, press the jump key and then hold the kick button. This one might be more difficult to master – but keep at it! 

Combo 3

The Powerslide – to do this one, all you need to do is hold the kick button while you’re holding a directional command. You can do this while sprinting to get out of the way of some crazy brawl going on between players. 

Final Thoughts

So that just about does it! Mastering the movement controls in Gang Beasts will be your key to victory.

We would say that the game is chaotic, and you will end up in some weird and difficult situations no matter how well you play.

The game is all about how to make the most of crazy brawls and achieve victory!

 We hope that this article has helped you learn how to throw in Gang Beasts, as well as some additional tips for movements that will set you up for success.

More than anything, remember that Gang Beasts is a party game and all about making great memories with your friends!

We wish you the best of luck in your next game of Gang Beasts and hope our movement tips help you outmaneuver other players!

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