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How To Grow Amethyst In Minecraft

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Minecraft is the best-selling game of all time, and it’s really not hard to see why at all.

The sheer amount of freedom that it can offer to its players is totally unparalleled.

Players are free to create quite literally anything using the game’s simple-to-understand but difficult-to-master crafting system.

However, because there are so many options within Minecraft, it can be difficult to tell how exactly you should make certain materials.

This is likely why you have found your way to this very article. 

Having trouble working out how to create amethyst in Minecraft? Then you should check out our guide below because we will show you how to do that! 

What Is Amethyst In Minecraft?

Before we dive in, let’s make sure that we are on the same page and that you know exactly what it is that you are looking for.

Within Minecraft, amethyst is a resource that can be mined from areas known as ‘Geodes’.

Geodes can more simply be described as small cave that houses the material, ready for you to chip away at it and claim for your own. 

Amethyst can actually take numerous forms in the game, each with its distinct properties. These are:

These refer to the different forms that amethyst can take. For example, amethyst shards are what you can use in the crafting table to combine with other materials to create entirely new resources and items.

However, if you are looking to grow your amethyst, then you will want to look out for amethyst clusters and amethyst buds.

How Do You Grow Amethyst In Minecraft?

Unfortunately, you cannot create your amethyst farm near your Minecraft outpost, but you can easily grow the material within geodes.

To do this, you will need some amethyst clusters and amethyst buds. These can be found in various Geodes, found throughout the Minecraft world. 

You will begin to notice that you are near a Geode, as you may see amethyst clusters beginning to grow on the surface of the ground, indicating that amethyst is currently growing under the ground.

Simply dig down, and you will quickly gain access to a geode that should be full to the brim with amethyst.

Here, you can place any amethyst buds that you have collected from mining all over the place, and they will slowly grow into full amethyst, which can then be mined further! 

In fact, placing amethyst buds throughout the Geode is fun because the buds create unique and pleasant musical notes that easily echo around the cave’s walls.

This means that you can create amazing, unique sound caves to stand around in.

How Do You Use Amethyst In Minecraft?

One of the best uses for Amethyst in Minecraft is as a light source, to help make certain rooms in your house look amazing, or to create awesome outdoor landscapes.

The purple glow that is emitted by amethyst is totally gorgeous and thus can be used to create all manner of amazing mood lighting. 

Amethyst Blocks

One of the uses of amethyst on the crafting table involves taking two amethyst shards and placing them on the mixing table to create amethyst blocks that can be used for different things.

Generally, amethyst blocks are best for decoration, as they have a unique purple color that also emits a slight glow. 

Amethyst blocks also make a unique sound when interacting with them, which can be very pleasant.

Tinted Glass

These items are created by placing amethyst shards onto the crafting table in a cross-shaped pattern, with a single piece of glass in the center.

This will result in glass that has a very slight tint to it. This allows the glass to be transparent while also allowing it to block light from passing through it. 


Spyglasses are incredibly useful as they allow a player to see across an incredible distance, which can be advantageous when playing in survival mode.

Spyglasses are a very useful tool that greatly benefits from adding amethyst. 

To make a spyglass, you will need two copper ingots, which smelting copper can gain in its rawest form.

From there, head to your crafting table, and place the two ingots in a vertical formation with an amethyst shard on top. Once you craft, you will create a spyglass that can be used in the game.

When Was Amethyst Added To Minecraft?

Amethyst was officially added to all versions of Minecraft in 2020 during the ‘Caves and Cliffs’ update announced during Minecraft Live of the same year!

It was released in just the Bedrock version of the game initially in a beta form to test its viability for wider release!

To Wrap Up

There you have it! If you want to increase the amount of Amethyst in your Minecraft world, then all you need to do is follow our handy guide!

From there, you can easily create all kinds of awesome extra items and objects that can be used in the game! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Crystals Grow In Minecraft?

Absolutely. Crystals within Minecraft can grow, but they do so at a very slow rate, much slower than the rate shown by plants. They also need specific conditions to be met to start growing.

Is Amethyst Rarer Than Diamond Minecraft?

Yes. While the diamond is a very valuable resource in Minecraft, it is actually outclassed in rarity by Amethyst. 

What Is the Rarest Stone In Minecraft?

The rarest stone in Minecraft is Emerald Ore, which is 25 times rarer than diamond ore!

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