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How To Escape Prison In Bitlife

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You can do pretty much anything in Bitlife, and that does include going to prison. But while this consequence might not be the most desirable outcome to your gameplay, luckily, you won’t have to stay locked up for too long.

As well to getting thrown in prison, Bitlife players have the chance to escape.

The prisons in Bitlife are a mini-game within the larger game, with characters chased down by speedy prison guards. They add some extra fun to the experience, but if you’ve been stuck behind bars for too long, you might start to get frustrated with the tricky escapes.

It’s not easy to get out of prison in Bitlife, but an electronic prison escape is definitely easier than a real-life attempt!

In this guide, we’ll cover some tips and tricks to escaping Bitlife prison and the rewards you might get for repeated breakouts.

Tips For Escaping Prison In Bitlife

There are three types of prisons in Bitlife: minimum security, medium security, and maximum security.

The level of security corresponds to the size of the game board and how difficult it is to escape. All Bitlife prisons are a checkerboard grid, with a starting star and an exit.

Between the start and the end, some walls can block both you and the guard chasing you. Breaking free means evading the guard and making it to the exit.

But the Bitlife security guard is a tricky character. For every move you make, the prison guard can move twice. This means a Bitlife prison escape is about more than just moving fast.

Although the guard moves quickly, he doesn’t move smartly. He automatically moves towards your character, which can be used to your advantage.

Some barriers can trap the guard and prevent them from rumbling your prison escape.

There isn’t a time limit to a Bitlife prison escape — you can take as long as you want, so long as you don’t get caught.

Don’t just run towards the exit, or the guard will catch up. Take the time to navigate the board, and trap the guard behind the walls.

The guard can’t move until you move, and he can only move horizontally at first. That gives you time to study the board and plan your route.

If you fail to escape, there are consequences! A failed prison break results in another year being added to your sentence. So, you want to be confident you can escape before you make an attempt!

Escaping Minimum And Medium Security Prison In Bitlife

The minimum and medium security prisons in Bitlife are the prisons you’re most likely to find yourself thrown in and the place to start your jailbird career.

Minimum and medium security prisons are available in 14 different checkerboard maps: 3×4, 3×5, 5×4, 5×5, 5×6, 7×4, 6×5, 3 4×4 maps, 2 5×7 maps, and 2 6×6 maps.

The maps are preset, so you can learn the best way to move by watching walkthroughs before you take on the guard.

Keep in mind that Bitlife is a game that likes to expand frequently, so they may update and remove maps from time to time.

Smaller maps have limited barriers, but it is easier to trap the guard and get free. However, get it wrong, and you get another year added to your sentence, and you’re charged with the felony “attempted escape”.

Escaping Maximum Security Prison In Bitlife

They don’t just throw anyone into maximum security Bitlife jail! You have to commit some pretty serious crimes to end up here.

Alternatively, you might have escaped prison before. If you get caught on the outside, you tend to get thrown into maximum security.

As you might expect, a maximum security prison is significantly harder to escape. The checkerboard prison is bigger, and there are more barriers in your way.

However, the guard is the same as before: he moves two squares for every one step you make but can be trapped.

There are nine layouts available for maximum security prison: 1 8×7 layout and 8 8×8 layouts.

There are multiple walls and barricades between you and the exit, and the guard will need to be trapped before you can make your escape.

The maximum security layouts require a lot of back and forth, and none of them have clear and easy lines towards the exit.

Bitlife Prison Ribbons

Getting sent to prison in Bitlife can earn you ribbons of differing degrees of difficulty.

You can collect new ribbons depending on your crime and how you behave in prison. Escaping (and attempting to escape) can also earn ribbons.

Jailbird Ribbon

Getting sent to prison and escaping can help your character earn the Jailbird ribbon.

It isn’t enough to escape once: your character will need to be thrown into jail and then escape at least three times before they achieve the Jailbird ribbon.

The Jailbird ribbon is reasonably easy to earn, especially as failed escapes net you even more time in prison.

The Jailbird ribbon isn’t all about escape attempts because it’s also calculated by the amount of time spent in jail.

Houdini Ribbon

To achieve the Houdini ribbon, you want your character to go to jail and escape quickly, as many times as possible.

You should aim to escape prison roughly 10 times and spend as little time as possible behind bars.

It’s best to attempt the Houdini ribbon when you’re reaching old age. Otherwise, you might find you spend too long in prison and end up with the Jailbird ribbon.

Start when you’re in your 60s, commit a crime, go to prison, and escape as soon as possible. Repeat several times, and you should die with the Houdini ribbon!

Final Thoughts

A Bitlife prison escape is difficult, especially if you’ve found yourself in maximum security. Take your time, don’t be afraid to repeat your steps, and try to trap the prison guard behind barriers.

Do this enough time, and you should earn yourself a Houdini ribbon.

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